Abundant Health & Healing, LLC

Emotional Baggage Handler

About the Practitioner

Katie Maguire Chiaravolloti is a commitment to unearthing true self and bringing forth consciousness with curiosity and love.  She is a queer, cis-gendered Soul Guide, an Emotional Baggage Hander and a Creatrix of Sacred Space. Having studied under Ann Sousa, an initiated elder of the West African Dagara Tradition, Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés Réyes, ALisa Starkweather, and within the teachings of BodySoulRhythm (Marion Woodman, Anne Skinner, and Mary Hamilton), Katie believes that making space for one’s own inner wisdom (especially in community/groups settings) weaves the path toward healing.  Katie walks as a witness and guide for folks to discover and harness the gold that lives hidden in the shadowy places. She is a Shadow Types™ Practitioner and on a path toward Shadow Work™ Facilitation and Coaching. It is her hope and prayer that as one integrates one’s own healing, the ripples of love and care will blossom out to family, friends, and community. Katie is part of the transition team holding the thread of hope for the world we are creating.  She can be found in South Jersey, weaving communities in healing ceremonies and is always up for an adventure.  Katie has been partnered for over 25 years and is mama to three young men who have been catalysts for consensual parenting, living a vibrant life, and transforming generational pain and trauma into a lineage of love and liberation.  She is a child-led, earth-based, secular homeschooling mama who has co-created and co-led various learning laboratories over the years. Co-creating embodied, healing spaces and ceremonies calls deeply to her being. 

Emotional Baggage Handler

Energy Weaver

Certified Reflexologist

Certified Firewalk Instructor

Shadow Types Practitioner 

Graduate of Lourdes Institute of Wholistic Studies

Graduate of Priestess Path Apprenticeship:  A Women's Mystery School under ALisa Starkweather

Graduate of Shamanic Pathways Apprenticeship under Ann Sousa, Initiated Elder in Dagara Tradition

Completed Basic, Advanced Facilitator, and Leader Training for Shadow Work™

Shadow Types Practitioner™

Participated in Singing Over the Bones (2016, 2017, 2018, 2019) under Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés Reyés

Participated in Heart of the Wounded Healer: Walking in Two Worlds As A Way of Life (2018, 2019) under Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés Reyés

Participated in Masters Training Heart of the Wounded Healer (2022) and Storytelling (2023) under Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés Reyés





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